Hello friends and family! We made it to Florida safe and sound, praise God! It has been an adventurous, challenging, and blessed week, and we are very glad to be living here! What a beautiful tropical paradise! Thank You Jesus!
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I have a bit of a story to tell you about the very next day, which was our first full day here. We were shopping at the local Walmart that morning and we were in the electronics section. I set my wallet and phone down to pick up a TV and put it in the cart, but I forgot to pick my wallet and phone back up afterwards. Some guy ended up stealing both and he went on a $2,800 shopping spree with my credit card. Thankfully, I was able to cancel the card and I am not responsible for the fraudulent charges. I worked with the police and they already have a photo of him and his vehicle from a pawn shop, where he bought a $420 gold watch. Please pray for that man. I forgive him. He caused a lot of panic and trouble, but I forgive him and I pray for him to see the error of his ways and come to Jesus.
I also had my debit card and Colorado driver’s license in my wallet. He wasn’t able to charge anything to the debit. I actually got my phone back because the guy threw it in a Lowe’s parking lot. A Lowe’s employee’s wife found my phone and they helped us when my wife called my phone. That is where we also met the police to file a report. It was awesome getting my phone back, praise God!
It was quite a day and very frustrating. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to get my Florida driver’s license because my Colorado one was stolen, but God wasn’t going to let the evil one get away with that hit on me and my family. The very next day we went to the DMV and they were so nice! The people here are incredibly friendly and we love it. The lady was able to look me up in the system and after showing her the requested personal documents, she issued me a Florida driver’s license! We also got our license plate the same day (Florida only has a rear plate). It was amazing after all we had been through the day before. We are officially residents of Florida as of July 23rd, 2020! Praise God!!!
God is truly amazing! It has been a whirlwind of change, but through it all, He has guided us and been with us every step of the way. Thank You Lord for your faithfulness, goodness, and love! You truly are a God who works miracles and parts seas for your people! You alone are God!!!
We absolutely love it here! I love it more than I could have imagined! The humidity isn’t bad at all. It’s more of a temperate tropical moist air, and we get cool breezes from the Gulf of Mexico. We are only 10 minutes from Venice beach! It’s much different watching the weather channel now. I have more in common weather wise with my brothers and sisters down in the Islands and South America, than I do with the majority of people in my country. I’ve been listening to news this morning about Tropical Cyclone Nine in the Virgin Islands, and how it might hit Florida in a few days. Praying for everyone in the path and that God would ease the storm.
We love the sunshine and rain, and the bugs aren’t too bad. I had to do some damage control when we first moved in because it hadn’t been rented since April. A bit of bug spray and a vacuum took care of it. We did see our first palmetto bug, which was funny. They are kind of cute and they sure are fast. Our agent said they have wolf spiders the size of your hand here, so we hope to never see one of those.
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When we first got here, it was like landing on a different planet. All the new sounds of bugs and animals and the wet tropical environment are fascinating. Huge contrast from the dry mountainous region of Colorado. We all love it and it’s great to see how happy my wife and kids are down here. It truly shows me just how stressed out and over taxed we were in the Denver metro area.

We visited Venice beach a couple days ago and it was gorgeous. The Gulf is so warm and calm and the people are friendly and chill. The beaches are clean too. It is such an amazing blessing to be so close to the ocean and beaches. We are amazed that this is our home now and we are feeling more and more at home every day.
The Lord has already opened up doors to preach His Name, and we found out our neighbors are Christians too. Nice older couple with grown kids and lots of grand kids. We love how laid back everyone is here and we love the slower pace. This place is very healing for our whole family.
We had some mover guys help us unload the pod yesterday, and the Lord opened a door to preach about the mark of the beast and how it all relates to what is going on in our time with mandatory vaccines leading to implantable microchips. We also talked about guns and the great laws that support gun rights here. It was an awesome conversation and after listening to me preach a bit, the one guy who knew the Word told me, “You are in the right place, man!” I agree, perfect fit! My heart is overjoyed to be here, praise God!
I am among people who love God, America, and freedom, and I love it! There are still plenty of people here who don’t know the Lord and need to hear the Gospel (like the guy who robbed me), but it is very refreshing being in a community with a lot more believers. Colorado will always be in my heart and it hurts to think about what the liberals have done to the state I love, grew up in, and spent 34 years of my life in, but it’s time to move forward into the new life God has for us and never look back.
I feel more free down here than I have in years, and the Lord’s plans for us are more than we could have asked or imagined. We have our eyes fixed on Him as He leads us and we trust Him and His love for us. God is good and His love endures forever, and don’t ever forget it!
Grace and peace to you all from sunny Florida!
“You are my God, and I will give you
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.”
Psalm 118:28-29